Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We decided to try a new dirt biking area over the weekend. We had to take a small road trip to get there, but everything close by had too much snow and mud. I love dirt biking, and it's always fun to ride in a new area. I must admit, I was a little nervous because I'm used to riding rocky trails, not sand! This was the desert and so there was a lot of sand! The Knolls are 30 miles east of  Wendover, NV traveling west from Salt Lake City, UT on I-80.  The Knolls are primarily rolling sand dunes and dirt trails.  There is a small mountain range to the east of the dunes where you can climb hills and trail-ride. The riding area is surrounded by the US Military training grounds.

Jake and Jon are really good riders, so I just have to hold on for dear life just to keep them in sight.

We rode out along the military fence and came upon the salt flats. Living in Salt Lake City my whole life I've heard about these salt flats. I'd have to say, they are exactly what I pictured, salty and flat. Jake tasted it and agreed that they "sure are salty!". We had the best time ever riding over these things. 

We spent some time jumping off a few of the sand dunes. Jon made it look quite easy, I on the other had was happy to just get off the ground. We had a great time ripping around all day. Definitely need to go back soon!


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